Lightning counters and remote testers

ACTIVE 2D® Multitester pack

Active 2D® remote multitester allows to use only one test system for several lightning rods.

The Active 2D® Multitester « Pack » solution includes :

– A laptop with removable screen for more user comfort.
– The LMS MULTI 2D® (Lightning Monitoring System MULTI 2D®) already installed in factory.
– An Activ’control ® (communication box between the lightning rod and the software to collect the information).
– The different connectors (RJ45 connector-> USB, main power supply,…).
– The programmation of the Active 2D® serial numbers (until 5 serial numbers in factory included.

The « multitester Pack » system of the Active 2D® ESE works with laptop, an Activ’control ® a LMS ® (Lightning Monitoring System Version Multitester) software. 

The LMS software is installed in the computer at the factory –the serial numbers can (upon request) be programmed before the complete « pack » shipping.

Thanks to the Activ’control box connected to the computer, the software will collect the information of the lightning rods installed on the site (each lightning rod has a serial number which allows to be tested individually).

The communication between the box (Activ’Control®) and the Active 2D® ESE is done by radiocommunication (433 Mhz) frequence. The maximum distance between this box and the lightning rod to allow the data collection is around 100 meters.

Pressing the « TEST » button of the LMS MULTI 2D® software,the system will check the good functionning of each lightning rod. This operation consists in sending a current (very low) which will simulate a lightning strike.

During this action, the Active 2D® system will go into action and the operator will be able to be sure of the good functionning.

This test will allow checking:
– The voltage at the terminals of the capacitor
– The voltage at the terminals of the battery
– The good functionning of the solar cells
– The electrical continuity
– The temperature of the Active 2D®


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